Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bacon 2.0 - Bacon that is..... Well, Better than Bacon

Another idea that I came across and WOW...  you can improve bacon.  Who knew??  Lightly sweet, a touch smokey with a bit of bite.

I usually cook my bacon in the oven anyway.  It's carefree and easy to clean.  When I saw this I just had to give it a try.

Place bacon on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and sprinkle lightly with chipotle powder and the sprinkle with brown sugar.  You can adjust to your tastes..


Now...  grab the ends of a piece of bacon and twist in opposite directions until it is rolled like in the image below.  Thinner strips work the best for this and the flavour gets trapped in the bacon tube.


Bake at 400F until desired crispness.  If the bacon is not crispy it will not hold the tube shape.

Sizzle...  can you hear it? can you smell the bacon?

And serve....  So good.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Tomato Sauce and Homemade Ketchup

Pictures from Sunday September 9, 2012

Three bushels, sunrise and clear skies


 Gorgeous and now clean too...

 Made in Italy, hot glued, hooked up and ready to go...



Secret Spice Mix for the Ketchup

They have been cooked down so that they go through the grinder more easily.

Mostly automated....  Go!

 One for ketchup, one for sauce.

Ketchup, with spice bags.  Love the colour.